Become a Professional Phlebotomist

Required time to become a Professional and Certified Phlebotomist

Medical practitioners, nurses and doctors depend on their technical staff. Most of the employees work in pathology laboratories of clinics and hospitals, doing numerous tests on tissue and blood samples. Phlebotomists are the professionals who collect the blood for testing, and also many blood products employed in the operation. Their major responsibility is to take out the blood and handle the same safely. There are numerous bodies where people can learn the Phlebotomy including teaching hospitals and Phlebotomy Schools etc.

Initial Training

Would be phlebotomists have to be high-school graduates to sign up a certified training program. Students who have many credits in the sciences may easily get the training, because the same is deeply science-oriented. The prospectus consists of courses on certain medical terms, and physiology and human anatomy. Large portions of the classroom training is concentrated on up keeping the reliability of the blood samples by ignoring some usual flaws that can infect a sample or produce a danger of sickness for the patient or phlebotomist.

Licensure and Certification

Graduates of certified phlebotomy courses are capable enough to carry out and look for work right away, but several employers choose to appoint certified technicians. Health experts are free to look for certification once they fulfill the least requirements. The least requirements are minimum of forty hours of classroom study, hundred hours of medical training plus minimum of hundred untreated venipuncture and punctures. Aspirants fulfilling these requirements can enroll into a certification exam through one of the reputed Phlebotomy Schools.


The educational needs for phlebotomy course are among the least within the therapeutic labs, making the same a perfect option for people who want to start doing job fast or who cannot afford further education. But, several organizations provide funding or other financial help to employees who want to improve their skill set. Determined phlebotomists can take the benefit of these courses to get cross-training in the related industry, for example, cytotechnology, histotechnology, or blood banking. Having numerous certifications makes a professional phlebotomist further employable, plus can also cause better income.

 Outlook and Income

There are so many institutions they carry out a yearly income survey, stating the income earned by several pathology laboratory staff. According to 2010 survey report, staff-level phlebotomists received an estimate of 13.50 USD/hr, or 28,080 USD per year, whereas managers averaged 20.08 USD/hr, or 41,766 USD yearly. In comparison, professionals in blood banking, a directly related job, averaged 59,530 USD for each year at the employee level. According to some other professionals, the demand for lab technicians will increase by 15% among 2010 and 2020. However, according to some other studies, the numbers of phlebotomists have to boost to meet the recent openings.

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